Thursday, July 19

Belated Birthday Picture

See how bad I am? I thought I had posted pics of Lainie's birthday but I didn't. Here's a late pic of the 'spread' she had at her small party. The kids had fun. They played party games: pin the tail on the puppy, a pull pinata and jumped in a moon jumper, but only for a little while as it was stinkin' hot outside! Just mostly humid!
I made cupcakes for her and there was hot dogs, a veggie tray and fruit kabobs for lunch. I also put up crepe paper and had hubby use up some of that hot air and blow up some balloons.
I will also be posting some pics of what I was doing all last week twice a day! hehee

1 comment:

Dana said...

Did you frost those cupcakes? Way to go, they look great!

Want to come do a spread for MY BD? *grin*