Well, last weekend would have been a 2 birthday weekend, but we didn't make it to the Sunday party. Gman was a bit under the weather. Lgirl's friends Birthday party was on Saturday and we got him a gift card.
What do you get kids that are 5 yrs old? And have pretty much enough stuff? It is crazy that I had to buy him a gift card! Yikes! Saturday was also Taste of Hancock County here where they were promoting local farms via the Harvest Council. They had flyers w/the route mapped out to visit 6 farms. We headed out to the buffalo farm (pretty cool to hear a new momma buffalo growl lol) then to another farm before heading over to the birthday party. Then after the party, Lgirl and I hit 2 more farms while Gman and daddy took naps. We got home about 4:45pm and boy were my dogs TIRED!
I wanted to try out the card w/the gift card holder in the middle so here's what I made. I can't remember the blog I found the directions on off the top of my head.
Here's the front:

And here's what the inside looks like.

Sorry that it is kind of wonky and I SHOULD have stamped something on the inside cover (even a background stamp would have been good!) to get rid of all that brown! yikes! It is pretty cool though and looks even cooler when you open it up. Though I think it's safe to say a 5 yr old boy did not appreciate the card! hhehe. That's okay though.
Okay so quick POLL... I stopped putting the recipes of my cards below them. Do you miss that info? Do you care? If you have a second, let me know which 'answer best suits your personal feelings!'
a. I miss the info and WANT IT BACK NOW!!
b. Info? What info?
c. Tomato, tomaato... either way is good with me.
d. none of the above... would that make you ambevilent? (Boy did I hack the spelling of that word! YIkes!)
1 comment:
Ok, now this card is totally rockin'! What a great idea. It looks fun, has great colors and is clever. What more can you ask for?!
Now onto your question. I was going to choose "b." because i rarely read that recipe info on any blog, but then I had to choose "c." because I know you were making fun of me with that tomato comment (which, BTW, my kids now say "to-MAH-to" now too!) *grin*
It's your blog, do what YOU want.
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