Well, last weekend would have been a 2 birthday weekend, but we didn't make it to the Sunday party. Gman was a bit under the weather. Lgirl's friends Birthday party was on Saturday and we got him a gift card.

A Place to Share My Creativity!
Well, last weekend would have been a 2 birthday weekend, but we didn't make it to the Sunday party. Gman was a bit under the weather. Lgirl's friends Birthday party was on Saturday and we got him a gift card.
Who participated in my Mystery Hostess Event! It was a BIG hit and I earned my Regionals only stamp set. I can't wait to get it and hope to make some Convention swap cards with it!
I had a Stampin' Party last night in Indy, and it was a lot of fun even if I was late! Yikes. Thanks Jami for hosting a party! I can't wait for your sister's party in May! I really do enjoy making cards and showing people how to do it. It is sooo cool when they have that look of triumph and are so happy they made an awesome card.
I will have some pictures for you guys tomorrow so you can see the cards. I'll be using them for my up and coming 8 for $10 in New Castle next week! If you live in the New Castle, Indiana, area and want to have some fun stamping and eating chocolate feel free to email me and I'll give you directions.
I want to earn a FREE stamp set from Regionals but I need to place a $400 order to do so. So I'm having a Mystery Hostess Event. What is that? Well, I will be breaking up the Hostess Benefits (from a $400 order) into 5 different prizes which you have a chance of winning, as well as offering special incentives for random orders.
You need to place a $30 order (before tax and S&H) with me via email or phone before Friday, April 25th to be placed in the drawing for one of the AWESOME prizes.
Here are the prizes for the drawings:
FREE 1 Level 1 Hostess Stamp Set of your Choice
FREE 1 Level 1 Hostess Stamp Set of your Choice
$20 in FREE Stampin' Up! Product
$20 in FREE Stampin' Up! Product
$20 in FREE Stampin' Up! Product
I'll also be offering these special incentives:
FIRST order I receive will get a FREE pack of Stampin' Dimensionals
FIFTH order I receive will get FREE shipping on their order
TENTH order I receive will get a FREE Classic Ink Pad
If you've already given me an order don't worry because you are already a winner too! You have one handmade item from ME!
Don't forget that you can pair this with the Current Stampin' Up! Free Wheelin' Promotion! Check that out here: http://www.stampinup.com/us/enu/10096.asp
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me! Good luck on the drawings! woo hoo!
Here's a card we made at my April 8 for $10 Class. Hope you like it. I LOVE this paper! All ingredients are Stampin' UP!
Woo hoo. Stampin' Up! Finally takes credit cards for your stamping/scrapping orders. I think this is great, though I will be keeping my Global Payments account for craft shows and such.
This is SOO exciting!
Can I just say what a BLAST it was at Regionals? Loved the make N Takes, loved the WOW workshops and everything else they taught us! I really liked meeting all the gals like Sandy, Robin, Roseanne, Toni and everyone else I met but can't remember their names (told you I was bad at that!!).
And it was GREAT seeing my upline and a GREAT friend, Tracy! Such a doll and such an inspiration.
I'll be posting some cards later as soon as I get them cropped.
I joined an SU ATC swap and there are still a few spots open if anyone's interested. HEre's the link at Kristina's blog. I don't normally DO ATC's, but I'm hoping I can just slap them onto a card front and 'call 'er done!!'
Wizard SU Guru's. I guess wizard is a bit catchier! hehehe
Here are two more cards.Some I had more time for them and others I just wanted to get them done and off to Melinda. She's so darn busy and goes thru these like wild fire! I am amazed! hehehe
I've 'marked' this to post later today. I know some might have a heart attack if I posted in the a.m.! hehehe It's going to be a GREAT day here, around 73 degrees... woo hoo! Grandma is coming to watch the kiddos. The rain will be coming this evening and it will rain all day tomorrow and part of the Sunday too.
Enjoy your day.
Here's the 2nd design of Thank You cards I made Melinda. I didn't make a set number of each as it depended on my scraps. I also made some horizontal and some vertical. I was also trying to use up a lot of the organza ribbon I received in a swap from TexasJodyLynn.
I never knew what to do with that sheet of DSP.It's from Berry Bliss but it is definitely NOT one of my favorites! I think it looks good on the thank you and I might have to use it for more of these!
I will be heading out to Illinois to meet up with my upline and good friend Tracy to head to Milwaukee for Stampin' Up! Regionals. I will take lots of pictures and make sure to post them for you. I won't be back until Sunday evening.
I was going to sign up for the Beta Blogger that lets me write posts and pick a special time for them to be posted. We'll see if I can get to that. I still have to pack in the a.m. so I might not get to it.
Have a GREAT weekend! I will be having fun with some good friends and stamping a lot! Can't beat that! hehe
Hi there,Yes, I know it's been a while. I had a workshop then a function and now I've got Regionals this weekend up in Milwaukee! Yikes!
A friend ordered another 20 or so Thank you cards. I make these 3-1/2x5, they are VERY cute. HEre's one of the designs. This time around I tried going thru my DSP scraps and using them. I try to make them fairly simple since I am making between 20-25 each time.
This definitely has a retro feel to it! I love this paper. Enjoy!
SOMETHING! Which is not good. I have a busy rest of the week. I had my local 8 for $10 workshop tonight and had a lot of fun with the girls. I will post some of the cards we made.
This is what happens when I get about 2 hrs of sleep like I did last night... what was wrong with Gman that he had to keep me up most of the night? I don't have a clue. My throat is scratchy, my nose is runny and I sneezed about 10 times tonight.
This CAN'T be happening! I've got my Homemade Gourmet party on Thursday and a function in Mt. Comfort Friday evening... arggghhh!
So I guess that means I should hit the hay? hehehe Okay, I'm off to bed.
Hugs to all! **sniff sniff**
Hey there,
Lately, I haven't really been happy with Paypal... I totally think it's a ripoff that they get a % of all your transactions, even if people send cash. I think that's a big company being a bit greedy.
WEll, I LOVE Tammy's blog and Crystal's too. They gave me info of a company revolution money exchange where it is FREE to send and receive money. How cool is that? Plus, if you sign up, you get a $25 signing bonus! Even MORE awesome!
This is a shameless plug, but if you are interested in signing up and let them know I sent you, I'll get a $10 referral bonus. Isn't that even cooler?! ahahhaha
So check it out CLICK on that button people!!!
Now WHAT IN THE WORLD should I buy with that $25 signing bonus? hmmmm.... Stampin' Up! goodies? O rings? hmmm... the possibilities are endless! heheh
Click here to see the information!
Stamp set: So many Scallops
Ink: Close to Cocoa, River Rock
Paper: River Rock, Whisper White, DSP
Acc: Double stitched River Rock ribbon