to post regularly when you already have the pics uploaded, cropped and reduced in size. Amazing how easy it is! Well, hubby was supposed to patrol tonight but the deputy he was going to be riding w/was sick so he got to come home! If he HAD worked, then the kids would not have seen him since Sunday and wouldn't until Wednesday night. He doesn't like to do that but he's got to get the riding along outta the way asap.
So it's much easier to take care of the kids if we go out somewhere do something. Like a playdate (I belong to the local MOMS club) or shopping. Sooooo... Gman and I went shopping at Target while L was in preschool. Can I say I didn't find may frames (just ONE) but a lot of their $1 spot stuff was on clearance for 50 cents!! Can't beat that! Not to mention all their back to school stuff was on clearance too! I got some purple pens w/purple ink! woo hoo. hehee
Then we picked up L and headed over to Kathleen's for a playdate that included lunch. It was fun and longer than anticipated so we didn't get home until 3pm. Gotta love those days! hehhe

So here's a 2nd scrapbook page. It was Easter 2006. What a bunch of cuties. It was my least favorite of the 3 pages, but I did LOVE the carrot that is hidden behind the picture of both of them. It has a tag that says, 'Pull me' and has the journaling on it. hehehe What a GREAT idea! Hope you like it!
Super cute layout! Cute kiddos too!
This LO has the BEST colors! You have a good eye for colors obviously.
So cute.
So Cute! and the pull out carrot, is a fantastic idea!
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