Wednesday, November 26

AWESOME Holiday Bundles Sale!

Christmas has come EARLY!!

Stampin' Up! has an AWESOME Holiday Bundles Sale! Ever wanted the All in the Family set but it was out of your budget? Well, take a look at these specials:

Too get a better look at these deals click HERE. You can see what each bundle has in it. You will need to go to my Stampin' Up! Demo Website to order. Just click on ORDER NOW button under my name in the top, right hand corner!

These are some GREAT deals and are only good until December 1st or while supplies last. Do not delay. Everyone who places an order with me online will be getting a FREE yard of striped ribbon. Just let me know which IN Color you prefer.

NOTE: These items are only available for a limited time! Should you get a 'NOT available' when ordering online, that means the item isSOLD OUT! If you want something order now, do not delay! Act quickly before they're gone. I'm off to order an bundle now!!

Tuesday, November 25

Extras! Extras!

I have some extra stuff left over from my craft shows I thought I'd post and see if anyone is interested in buying them. I need to figure out how to do a store with a paypal button! Wouldn't that be 'tres chic' of me ?! I think so!

Here are some pads of paper I had made. I really like the snowman one. They are $4.00 each.

Here's a fall one that is next to the Snowman one (with a different background I might add).

If you are interested let me know. I'd be happy to wrap them up for you! There's a mini button on the front of all the snowman pads.

Monday, November 24

What a Cutie!

Here's a picture of my boy, Gman. Is the not the cutest?! heheh Now, I use the basement to 'hide' things I don't want the kiddos to see. Whether it be early Christmas/Birthday presents or the baby stuff that they've grown out of.

Well, Grandma likes to go down there to do our laundry (that's where it's located AND I don't mind her doing it at all!!) but then Gman finds all the goodies. He loves bringing the baby stuff back up here and then it ends up mixing in with the other stuff and we have a big mess lol.

So he found this hat and doesn't it look like a cowboy hat? Doesn't he look like a 'rough rider' well except for the dinosaur pjs?

TA-DA! It's really witches hat which he enjoyed wearing around the house! heheh Maybe he'll have to be a witch next year hehe. We'll see!
BTW, aren't his lashes just to DIE for?! I am so envious. Both my kiddos have them and they aren't from me! I have the short, stubby chinese ones. Hubby has them and I am just amazed that they are so long! It will be interesting to see if both kids 'grow' into them or if they will be just as long when they are older!

Tuesday, November 18

No need for a Doggie Bed!

I am going to be posting some pictures of the 4 footed creatures I take care of. Here's a dog named Butch, he's a minature pinscher. He's really sweet and can be a bit annoying at times. Only because he's still a puppy and so full of energy! He doesn't really walk, rather he prances! But he's ever the sweety and I do like to have him sit on my lap. He's only too happy to oblige!

Isn't he cute? So very sweet too.
SCroll down


And let me tell you... who needs a dog bed when you have this?

Isn't that too funny? Bourbon will lay down and Butch will just make himself comfortable right in the middle of Bourbon's legs. Heheh. It's like having your own fur lounge or something! Sometimes Bourbon just looks at me like... 'Can you believe this guy mom?'

Monday, November 17

Much Needed Break!

Goodness, I am thankful for my craft shows, but even more thankful for a break! Can I just say that I started falling asleep at 9:30pm on Saturday. Which is unheard of for me lol. I couldn't get Gman to go to sleep that early though. Then he woke up and was crying for like 10 min at my bedside because I wouldn't go into the living room to lay on the recliner.

For some odd reason he wanted to be on the recliner vs. my bed. Which is a first. So he cried for about 5 min at my bedside and then climbed on up when I would not react! Luckily hubby was out patroling and didn't have to be woken up by the commotion. Lgirl can sleep thru anything so it didn't phase her at all! hehehe

I might have a craft show on the 6th of December, but I am not certain. I will know more tomorrow afternoon.

Here's a picture of my table at the Craft Show the first weekend in November... it was at Doe Creek Middle School.
At Mt. Vernon, I added a black layer on the tops of the tables. To make things stand out more. It was a lot of fun... a bit too cold and rainy. I figure if it's going to be dreary it might as well be snowing so it looks nice coming down! heheh

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say HI! Thanks for buying something too! It's nice to see so many familiar faces. And nicer to have gals remember from last year! wooh oo! Special shout out to Shelley, Amy, Angie, Barb, Cinder and a bunch of other gals who's names have slipped my mind! hehee

Wednesday, November 12

I'm Back

Whew! What a weekend. I ended up leaving Thursday night, which I now realize it sucks driving at night! Friday I helped Tracy get stuff ready for the craft show then we took some stuff over there, came back home to get ready and were back at the show at 4pm for the opening of it.

We stayed until 9pm and then headed home. I finished making some Snowman Poop (pictures to come). And then it was off to the Cris Cringle Craft Show again on Saturday from 9am to 5pm. It was a lot of fun and a HUGE show.

It's always fun to see other demonstrators buying her stuff. Even though they were a bit snobby to me at first... they just couldn't resist! I don't have pictures until she can email me one to post. I just took pictures of her and her booth. She might even email me a picture of Geno who was with us all day.

I'll be posting some 'optical' illusion pictures tomorrow!

Thursday, November 6

Going Out of Town

I'll be heading on out of town to Illinois to help out my upline, Tracy. She's got a craft show tomorrow afternoon and all day Saturday. Not to mention a newborn. So I will be her worker bee!

Wish me luck on selling all of her stuff and most of mine too hehehe. I'll try and get some pictures to share with you guys!

Tuesday, November 4

Thankful Shadow Boxes For Sale

Here's a picture of the shadow boxes I made for my craft shows. They are $40 and you can purchase them with the saying in either Chocolate Chip or Basic Black. Just let me know which you would prefer.

If you are local I'd be happy to coordinate a time to deliver that to you. Either meet you 1/2 way or deliver it to your home depending on where you live.

IF you have any questions, please feel free to email me. These would make GREAT gifts!

Sunday, November 2

Doe Creek Holiday Show

It was a fun day at the Craft Show at Doe Creek Middle School. Everyone said it was really slow, but I did pretty good for my first time there. Woo hoo! It was a bit hard working with only 5 feet (3 of which was my tables!) but I made it.

The personalized music people next to me were REALLY nice and shared their extension cord so my Lighted Snowmen could really be lighted! woo hoo! I met a couple of people that live right off of my road too... how cool is that?!

And it was SO NICE to FINALLY meet Deb Nagel **waves Hi to DEB**. I often wonder if the people on my email list that I never hear from really want to be on my list still. Well, Deb confirmed that she did and it was REALLY nice to meet her. What a sweetie.

So, Deb... MAKE some time and come on over to PMS night. It's a lot of fun! woo hoo! hehehe

Okay, I'm off to make breakfast for the kiddos and will have craft show pics for you here shortly!