Friday, July 4

Happy 4th!!!

I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy 4th!

It's hubby's birthday so we'll be heading down to Grandma's for 1/2 the day and then back down tomorrow for 1/2 a day at the pond. We were supposed to go to the pond tonight, but it started raining last night and has been all morning so it was postponed until tomorrow.

'The Pond' is at grandpa's best friend from school's house. Just a pond where 4 couples around grandma's and grandpa's age hang out. Oh and then there's our family too. So we are the youngest couple heheh. Sometimes other kids of the older ppl come but mostly it's just us.

I've got 4 four-legged visitors staying for the 4th. One until monday and two will go home next saturday. Then I'll be getting 4 MORE 4 legged boarders! ehehe Plus I've got to go and take care of 2 client's pets. Busy busy here at our household!

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